研究紀要「Bulletin of the Tohoku University Museum」
研究紀要最新刊 第23号

•Silurian cephalopods from the Gionyama Formation in the Kuraoka area, Miyazaki Prefecture, Southwest Japan / Shuji Niko pdf
•Late Devonian longiconic nautiloids from the Tobigamori Formation, Iwate Prefecture, Northeast Japan / Shuji Niko and Masayuki Ehiro pdf
•Two Olenekian (Early Triassic) species of longiconic cephalopods from the Osawa Formation, Miyagi Prefecture, Northeast Japan / Shuji Niko and Masayuki Ehiro pdf
•A new species of Parisicaris (Microcarididae, Thylacocephala) from the upper Olenekian (Lower Triassic) Osawa Formation in the South Kitakami Belt, Northeast Japan / Masayuki Ehiro and Harumasa Kano pdf
•Reexamination of the jar coffin excavated from the Sannotoge site in Aomori Prefecture / Yoshitaka Kanomata, Hinako Aoki, Fumihito Nagase, Junmei Sawada, Fumiko Saeki and Daisei Kodama pdf
•Highresolution 3-D measurement of stone chanber of Yunokuma Tumulus in Fukuoka Prefecture using SfM method / Atsushi Fujisawa, Harumasa Kano, Yoshinori Tajiri and Masanao Shimura pdf
•Techno-typological study of clay stupas from the Tagajo abandoned temple site using X-ray CT / Yi Lian, Harumasa Kano and Yoshitaka Kanomata pdf
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研究紀要 第22号

•Middle Permian orthoconic nautiloids from the Takakurayama Formation in the Yaguki area, Fukushima Prefecture, Northeast Japan / Shuji Niko and Masayuki Ehiro pdf
•High-resolution 3-D measurement of Kiyotosakuouketsu tunnel tomb in Fukushima Prefecture / Atsushi Fujisawa, Harumasa Kano, Takamitsu Yoshino and Yuria Koike pdf
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研究紀要 第21号
•Virgilian (Late Pennsylvanian) coiled nautiloids from the Finis Shale Member of the Graham Formation in Texas, southern Midcontinent North America / Shuji Niko, Royal H. Mapes and Barbara Seuss pdf
•Middle Permian cephalopods of the Takakurayama Formation in the Yaguki area, the southwestern margin of the South Kitakami Belt, Northeast Japan / Masayuki Ehiro pdf
•Early Anisian (Aegean) ammonoids from the Fukkoshi Formation (Inai Group) with special reference to the Olenekian/Anisian boundary in the South Kitakami Belt, Northeast Japan / Masayuki Ehiro pdf
•Studies of large benthic foraminifers using microfocus X-ray CT / Shunichi Kinoshita pdf
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研究紀要 第20号
•Late Silurian orthocerid cephalopods from the Suberidani Group, Tokushima Prefecture, Southwest Japan / Shuji Niko pdf
•Identification of source area of stone material for the Baji Museum, Takekoma Shrine based on trace-element chemistry of apatite, and its significance in the archiotectural history (表1, 表2, 表3, 表4)/ Reishi Takashima Hiromichi Saito pdf
•Stone Tool Functions in the Preceramic Period at the Loma Atahualpa Site in Equador / Yoshitaka Kanomata, Andrey V. Tabarev, Alexander N. Popov, Boris V. Lazin, Tatiana A. Gavrilina, Maxim K. Rudenko and Jorge G. Marcos pdf
•Animal utilization of the Epi-Jomon and Okhotsk cultures in Sakhalin: A zooarchaeological analysis of the Nobuo Ito Collection / Taichi Hattori, Junmei Sawada, Yoshitaka Kanomata, Kaoru Akoshima and Takao Sato pdf
•3-D measurement of open-aire structires using mini drone with SfM method / Harumasa Kano and Atsushi Fujisawa pdf
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研究紀要 第19号
•Trematoceras watanabei, a new orthoconic nautiloid species from the Middle Triassic Fukkoshi Formation, Miyagi Prefecture, Northeast Japan / Shuji Niko and Masayuki Ehiro pdf
•The elasmobranch fossil fauna from the Tatsunokuchi Formation (upper Miocene–lower Pliocene) at Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan / Daichi Nakai pdf
•A study on the stone materials used in historical buildings on Katahira campus, Tohoku University / Takahiro Uchiyama, Satoshi Kanisawa pdf
•A study on the tuffs used in historical buildings on Katahira campus, Tohoku University / Takahiro Uchiyama and Reishi Takashima pdf
•Use-wear analysis at the Gorbatka 3 and Ilistaya 1 sites in the Russian Far East / Anatoly M. Kuznetsov, Yoshitaka Kanomata and Yosuke Aoki pdf
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研究紀要 第18号
•Grafordites mcleodi, a new Pennsylvanian cephalopod from Texas, southern Midcontinent, North America / Shuji Niko and Royal H. Mapes pdf
•Late Triassic ammonoid Arcestes from the Saragai Group in the South Kitakami Belt, Northeast Japan / Masayuki Ehiro pdf
• Flake Tool Functions in Early Ceramic Culture at the Real Alto Site in Coastal Ecuador / Yoshitaka Kanomata, Andrey V. Tabarev, Alexander N. Popov, Boris V. Lazin and
Jorge G. Marcos pdf
•The study on technique of clay figurines based on analysis of internal structure using X-ray CT / Shinsuke Sato pdf
•Three-dimensional measurement of the Atagoyama Tumulus in Miyagi prefecture / Atsushi Fujisawa, Tomoki Nagahara, Ayana Imanishi pdf
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研究紀要 第17号
•Aulacocerid coleoids from the Triassic of the South Kitakami Belt, Northeast Japan / Shuji Niko and Masayuki Ehiro pdf
•Practical Studies of Transition from Palaeolithic to Jomon Period: Tazawa site in Tokamachi City, Niigata Prefecture / Yoshitaka Kanomata, Shizuka Satomura, Hisashi Kimura pdf
•Standard use-wear chart of TUMRT (4): Microwear Polish (2) / Kaoru Akoshima and Hyewon Hong pdf
•Progress Reports of the Program for Archives and Publication of 3-D Point-cloud Data of the Great East Japan Earthquake for Tsunami Disaster Ruins / Harumasa KANO, Hiroshi NISHI, Atsushi FUJISAWA, Osamu SASAKI, Reishi TAKASHIMA and Jun NEMOTO pdf
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研究紀要 第16号
•Early Devonian orthocerid cephalopods from the Kamianama Formation, Fukui Prefecture, Central Japan / Shuji Niko pdf
•Studies of the Late Palaeolithic Culture in the Northwestern Mountainous Area in Miyagi Prefecture: the 1st Term Excavation at Sunasaka Site in Kami Town / Yoshitaka Kanomata, Jiro Fujiwara, Shotaro Ono, Toshio Yanagida, Hitoshi Kanno and Kunio Yoshida pdf
•Use of animal resources from the late to the final Jomon period at the Satohama shell midden, Miyagi Prefecture / Rintaro Yamada pdf
•Standard use-wear chart of TUMRT (3): Microwear Polish (1) / Kaoru Akoshima and Hyewon Hong pdf
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研究紀要 第15号
•Trematoceras hikichii sp. nov., an Early Triassic orthocerid cephalopod from the Osawa Formation, Miyagi Prefecture, Northeast Japan / Shuji Niko, Masayuki Ehiro and Yukihiro Takaizumi pdf
• Bandoceras, a new Late Silurian genus of orthocerid cephalopod from the Hitoegane Formation, Gifu Prefecture, Central Japan / Shuji Niko pdf
•A catalogue of name-bearing type specimens of fossil Bivalvia (Mollusca) registered in the Tohoku University Museum / Shin’ichi Sato, Tomoki Chiba, Takaki Yamanaka, Jun Nemoto, Masanori Shimamoto and Takashi Matsubara pdf
• Nicaniella (Trautscholdia) nagaoi, a new replacement name for Astarte minor Nagao, 1934, non Astarte sulcata var. minor Jeffreys, 1864 [“1863”] (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Astartidae) / Takashi Matsubara pdf
•Paleomagnetism of the Sorachi and Yezo Group in the Ashibetsu area, central Hokkaido, Japan / Yuki Kitagawa, Reishi Takashima and Yasuto Itoh pdf
•Standard use-wear chart of TUMRT(2):Microflaking (2) / Kaoru Akoshima and Hyewon Hong pdf
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研究紀要 第14号
•Early Permian (Asselian) orthoconic cephalopods from the Taishaku Limestone, Akiyoshi Belt, Southwest Japan / Shuji Niko, Masayuki Ehiro, Osamu Nishikawa and Isao Nishikawa pdf
•Study of Cave Sites in Kyushu Region: Report of the Third Term Excavation at the Fukui Cave / Yoshitaka Kanomata, Hiroyuki Murata, Takahiro Umekawa, Hyewon Hong, Toshio Yanagida, Kaoru Akoshima, Mitsuo Suzuki, Iwao Inoue, Ryousuke Hayase and Keiichi Ohara pdf
•The Significance and Method of the 3rd Term Excavation at the Fukui Cave / Kazuyoshi Ohtsuka and Yoshitaka Kanomata pdf
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研究紀要 第13号
•On Tanged Points of Japanese Tohoku Region from KoreanPerspective - Technique, typology, dimensions and chronology - / Gi-kil Lee pdf
•New evaluation of the Industry in the Cultural Horizon 8 at the Hoshino site, Tochigi Prefecture / Toshio Yanagida pdf
•Functional Analysis of Prehistoric Artifacts from Coastal Ecuador / Yoshitaka Kanomata, Andrei V. Tabarev, Julia V. Tabareva and Karen E. Stothert pdf
•Standard use-wear chart of TUMRT (1): Microflaking / Kaoru Akoshima and Hyewon Hong pdf
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研究紀要 第12号
•On Some “Early Palaeolithic” Evidence in Japan – A Personal View / Seonbok Yi pdf
•Use-Wear Analysis on Palaeolithic Artifacts of Northern Mongolia / GUNCHINSUREN Byambaa, GLADYSHEV Sergey, TABAREV Andrei, KANOMATA Yoshitaka and KHATSENOVICH Arina pdf
•Comparative research on the Late Paleolithic industries between Tohoku and Kyushu regions in the Japanese islands / Toshio Yanagida pdf
•Study on impact fractures observed on backed knives from the Takakurayama site, Yamagata / Katsuhiro Sano, Hong Hyewon, Zhang Siyi, Yoshitaka Kanomata, Kaoru Akoshima, Toshio Yanagida pdf
•Verifying the Function of Yayoi “Ishibocho”Tools from Tohoku District / Kaoru AKOSHIMA and Kazuo AOYAMA pdf
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研究紀要 第11号
•Studies of the Late Palaeolithic Culture in the Mogami River Basin vol. 2 The Kamino-A site Report of the third term excavation / Yoshitaka DENDA, Tomoo SASAKI, Yoshitaka KANOMATA, Kaoru AKOSHIMA and Toshio YANAGIDA pdf
•AMS Radiocarbon Dating Report / Institute of Accelerator Analysis Ltd, - Carbonized woods unearthed from the Kamino-A site / Mitsuo SUZUKI pdf
•Reexamination of the Soni type pottery; Typological features and radiocarbon dating of pot-sherds from Ito Nobuo Collection / Masahiro FUKUDA, Kaoru AKOSHIMA, Dai KUNIKITA and Kunio YOSHIDA pdf
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- 過去の研究紀要:1号~10号
研究紀要 第10号
2011年3月発行•Preface:Research of the Early Palaeolithic Industry discovered at the Sozudai site, Oita Prefecture, Kyushu Japan (2)/ TOSHIO YANAGIDA and KAORU AKOSHIMA pdf
•Research of the Early Palaeolithic Industry discovered at the Sozudai site, Oita Prefecture, Kyushu Japan (2) / TOSHIO YANAGIDA pdf
•A small fossil whale from the Tatsunokuchi Formation (uppermost Miocene to Lower Pliocene) of Sendai City, Northeast Japan : Its occurrence, age and paleontological significance / NA OTO SAITA, SUGURU KOMUKAI and MASAYUKI OISHI pdf
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研究紀要 第9号
2010年3月発行• A review of copepods associated with bivalves in Japan, with description of two new species (Crustacea, Copepoda, Cyclopoida) / IL-HOI KIM and SHIN’ICHI SATO pdf
•A comparative study on Paleolithic Industries of Sozudai site in Japan and Xujiayao site in China / LI CHAORONG pdf(72.3MB)
•The origin of pottery in East Asia / WANG XIAOQIN pdf
•Reevaluation of the Late Paleolithic Industries excavated at the Iwato site / TOSHIO YANAGIDA pdf
•Research of Final Jomon pottery excavated from the Satoyari site, Ohsyu City, Iwate Prefecture, Tohoku, Japan / TAKEO ICHIKAWA, MASASHI KOBAYASHI and KAORU AKOSHIMA pdf(101MB)
•全ページ一括 pdf (195MB)研究紀要 第8号
2008年6月発行•Two genera of Popanoceratidae (Permian Ammonoidea) from the South Kitakami Belt, Northeast Japan,with a note on the age of the Takakurayama Formation in the Abukuma Massif / Masayuki Ehiro pdf
•Distribution maps of Silene (Caryophyllaceae) in Nepal (1) / Keshab R.Rajbhandari and Mitsuo Suzuki pdf
•Illustrated catalogue of Japanese Cordyseps (Entomonogeneous Fungi): The Yahagi Collection of Japanese Cordyseps stored in the Tohoku University Museum / Nobuo Yahagi pdf
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研究紀要 第7号
2007年11月発行•Research of the Early Palaeolithic Industry discovered at the Sozudai site, Oita Prefecture, Kyushu Japan / TOSHIO YANAGIDA and KAORU AKOSHIMA pdf (all pages, 37.3MB)
研究紀要 第6号
2007年3月発行•Lopingian(Late Permian) brachiopods from South China, Part1:Orthotetida, Orthida and Rhynchonellida / Shen Shu-Zhong and G.R.Sh pdf
•Geology of the Kuzumaki-Kamaishi Subbelt of the North Kitakami Belt (a Jurassic accretionary comprex), Northeast Japan:Case study of the Kawai-Yamada area,eastern Iwate Prefecture / Noritoshi Suzuki,Masayuki Ehiro,Ken Yoshihara,YukiI Kimura,Goichi Kawashima,Hideaki Yoshimoto and Taishi Nog pdf
•全ページ一括 pdf (32.7MB)研究紀要 第5号
2006年3月発行•Type Artifacts of the Daigi Types of Jomon Pottery Excavated from the Daigi-gakoi Shell Midden by Dr.Sugao Yamanouchi / Ryosuke Hayase, Tomonori Kanno and Takashi Suto pdf
•Technological Wears on the Prehistoric Jades in East Asia / Tang Chung pdf
•The list of the Professor of Tohoku University Ito Nobuo's collections, made up in Karafuto-Sakharin during his personal scientific trip around the Middle and Southern parts of the island in1933-1934 / Vasilevski Alexander, Takashi Suto, Kaoru Akoshima, Tomoharu Haneishi and Toshio Yanagida pdf
•Early Triassic (Olenekian)ammonoids from Khentey Province,Mongolia, and their paleobiogeographic significance / Masayuki Ehiro,Yuri D.Zakharov and Chuluun Minjin pdf
•全ページ一括 pdf (21.2MB)研究紀要 第4号
2005年3月発行•Metric Data of Human Crania from the Tohoku Region, Honshu, Japan, Housed at the Department of Anatomy and Anthropology, Tohoku University School of Medicine / Yoshinori Kawakubo,Junmei Sawada,Tomoko Maeda and Yukio Dodo pdf
•Re-examination of Prof.Shimakura's coniferous fossil wood microscope slides deposited in Tohoku University Museum / Kyungsik Kim,Mitsuo Suzuki and Changhwan Oh pdf
•全ページ一括 pdf (9.76MB)研究紀要 第3号
2004年1月発行A Descriptive Catalog of Refitted Lithic Materials from Three Late Paleolithic Sites in Japan.: Isoyama, Iwao, Mosanru. / Yayoi Period Polished Stone Reaping Knives of Northeastern Japan: A Marker of Early Agrivultural Economy / 東北地方中南部地域の「暗色帯」とそれに対応する層から出土する石器群の特徴について / 多賀城碑小考-多賀城碑文「修造」2文字の義再述
研究紀要 第2号
2002年3月発行Catalogue of the Mesozoic corals of Japan / Catalogue of the Mesozoic corals at the Tohoku University Museum / The Jurassic corals from Japan in the Tohoku University Museum collection.
研究紀要 第1号
2001年3月発行Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Fossil Cnidaria and Porifera, September 12-16, 1999, Sendai, Japan.